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Are Ewe Doing This Right?

Book Review by Lady Layla Lamb

· Lambs For Literacy

A fortnight ago something exciting happened! Apart from being confused why we suddenly gained a load of new followers on Instagram, we received a request by an Australian radio-comedian personality to review her upcoming book after Allen & Unwin’s publicist discovered our #LambsForLiteracy hashtag.

Of course Lachie and Layla agreed – because who doesn’t like receiving books in the mail? (even if the postie can be a bit slow across the Nullarbor).

Photo of Lachie's parcel.

Lady Layla Lamb shares her thoughts on Am I Doing This Right? Life Lessons From The Encyclopaedia Bri-Tanya while Lachie ponders whether his #LambRights movement regarding couch privileges could gain traction by sharing more of his life lessons and anecdotes.

Lady Layla Lamb ponders about Am I Doing This Right? (Book cover)

Am I Doing This Right? is part autobiographical, part relatable medley of lists, advice, anecdotes, and life stories you are (mostly) glad did not happen to you. However, most importantly, it is a story of resilience and how embracing her personality and strengths allowed Hennessy to achieve her goal of national breakfast radio.

The book is categorised in sections A-Z so you do not need to read it in a linear fashion. You could easily pick it up like Layla did and go straight to certain letters. (By the way, L should be for Lamb). However, you can read it A-Z if you prefer.

The book has a chatty and funny tone. It is easy to consume – Layla finished reading it within a day even with pellet breaks. Definitely more for ewes than rams/wethers as while Layla enjoyed the life lessons, Lachie wandered off to meditate after there failed to be any car chases or shoot outs in the introduction.

Hennessy’s truthful reflections of what has happened in her life and why some of it happened – she owns her mistakes and acknowledges her laziness – are outright hilarious, but sometimes cringe. It is easy to see why Hennessy excels at radio - she is not afraid to share stories from her own experiences, and those of her friends, to encourage conversation among people.

Am I Doing This Right? questions what is "normal"? Does one ever feel like a proper “grown up”? How do over thinkers cope in this world? Workaholics – passionate or problematic?
In an era where Bridget Jones’ almost- trainwreck style books have revived, Am I Doing This Right? asks the big questions many folks struggle to answer. It speaks to the generations of people who wonder if they have managed to master, or will ever master, “adulting” and when should they call their Mahh, or Dahh, for advice?

Lachie's reaction when he realised there were no car chases in the book.

The disappointing part of this book: The letter E is NOT for Exercise. As a ewe who loves her tucker, Layla could not believe Hennessy missed the opportunity to write E is for Eating. Sure, food is mentioned frequently throughout the book (hello Nutella and pizza), but an entire chapter dedicated to EATING would have been more useful for readers (especially lambs) than exercise. Nevertheless, a definition of what counts as exercise would have also been helpful – does running to the Hay Hut count as cardio? Asking for a ewe-friend.

Lady Layla reading E.

The highlights of this book: Pages of endless advice and relatable life lessons that many ewes will have encountered while growing up.

Chapters which were of particular interest to Layla (spoilers alert):

  • M is for Making Friends – a ewe can never have too many friends - especially when her old friends are all talking about their third or fourth lamb finally eating grass while she munches on her second biscuit (of hay) for the day. This chapter contained helpful advice as Hennessy has relocated multiple times due to work and encountered the challenges of working non-traditional hours due to her job.

Lady Layla wonders about making friends.
  • F is for Facebook – relatable as pellets. Ads for fitspo and bikini bodies frequently pop up in Lachie and Layla’s social media feeds after they post a photo or comment that relates to diets, modelling, relationship goals, etc. These social media ads are something many readers would be able to emphasise with considering how we all interact via social media.
  • G is for Glamour – Yep, Layla sets #LambGlam goals and Lachie is a wanna-be #FashionistaLamb so this chapter shared some human thoughts in relation to glamming it up. G also covers Gym, which provides insight on how many ewes feel about the concept.
  • C is for Creative -  A topic Hennessy is passionate about and resonates with all lambs who exercise their creative muscles. The anecdotes of this chapter, along with the Career section, sum up what it is like for those who (attempt to) earn a living via their creative endeavours. So in future, please, pay those whose creative talents you wish to use with money – not just exposure or food. Also, buy this book so the writer gets paid – don’t pirate it. 
Cover image of Am I Doing This Right?

In a world where so many folk strive for Insta-perfection, Hennessy provides readers with a reality check: Life is messy and there is no one way of doing it “right”. What is “right” for her, won’t necessarily be “right” for others.

Layla recommends this book to ewes in their 20s to 50s (human years) who enjoy witty stories and want a non-fiction read that will distract them from the dreary, morbid pellet-less world around them.


Lachie, well, he’s a typical wether who thinks he does everything right so never questions his choices or actions so he DNF Am I Doing This Right? but he did tidy up the leftover hay while Layla was reading.

Am I Doing This Right? Life Lessons From The Encyclopaedia Bri-Tanya
Author: Tanya Hennessy.

Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Available: Now
RRP: $29.99 (AU)

*Disclaimer: We were provided a free copy of this book in exchange for a review. There was no stipulation by the publisher or author that we write a positive review. The views expressed on this blog are Lachie and Layla's alone and are ©Lachiethelamb/Lachie&Layla 2018. If quoted in other media, please credit the source. Thank you.