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New Year. New Ewe.

Or maybe not...

· Lamb Lifestyle

Lachie and Layla finally got a blog! They've been sharing their adventures via Instagram for a couple of years, so it was time they found a platform to share more detailed accounts of their activities.

As some of our Instagram friends may recall, in Spring Layla launched 'Lite with Layla'. She managed to shear six inches off her waist! However, the progress faltered after her cardio time was limited due to a certain wether ramming and injuring her...

Lite with Layla promo image Spring 2017
Promo image from Lite with Layla (Spring 2017): New Season, New Ewe!

Layla considered some rebranding and relaunching as 'Lyte with Layla' in New Years 2018; however, after much soul searching (and pellet munching) she decided stuff it.

She was going to Live with Layla.

She doesn't have any issues with her shape or size.

She can still outrun Lachie to the pellet buckets and hay hut.

The only folk who criticise her figure are the vet and shearer – and what do they know about suffolk ewes?

Portrait of Layla the suffolk ewe 2017

So why doesn't everybody join Layla and live during 2018 instead of worrying about their size, shape, bank balance (in her case lack of), or whether their eyebrows are on point?

Enjoy treats (pellets), go for a walk occasionally (to the hay hut), and remind your loved ones why they are lucky you are in their lives (ahem pay attention Lachie).


Layla x