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Woolmas Gift Guide 2020

Are ewe looking for the perfect Woolmas gift?

Are ewe ready for Woolmas?

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It’s November 2020: Time to start – if ewe haven’t already – your Woolmas shopping.
With lockdowns around the world and everyone frantically shopping online, the postal services are struggling so be sure to shop sooner than later.

Lachie and Layla have curated this Woolmas gift guide to assist you in finding a gift for the special someone in your life. Whether they are a fellow sheeple (sheep people), equestrians, book lovers, or vegan, Lachie and Layla have some stellar suggestions which will make you go, 'All I want for Woolmas is ewe!'

*Please note, unlike human influencer blogs this gift guide does not include sponsored or affiliate links. We provide links to where you can purchase or find out more about the suggested items. Items included in this list are things we have purchased for ourselves and loved, or purchased as gifts for others and wish we had bought for ourselves, or we received for birthdays or Woolmas from family/friends.

Gifts for Sheeple

Sheeple are a unique breed of human. They love all things sheep, collect sheep, can recite their flock's bloodlines dating back to Queen Victoria, and know when they can acquire another sheep without their family noticing. This is why you do not buy them another (real) sheep for Woolmas, but make them squeal with delight with one of these sheepish goodies:

Pottery Sheep

Purchase your favourite sheep person a one-of-a-kind pottery sheep to brighten their home.

These sheep are hand made in the Wirral (England) by Sarah Lynch and come in a variety of colours and designs. Their latest flock are available online now – don’t miss out!

A beautiful, teal pottery sheep sits on a wooden desk awaiting to be gift wrapped.

Sheep Books

A Brief History of the World According to Sheep by Sally Coutland and Sheep by Philip Armstrong offer sheeple educational and enlightening reads on how the world overlooks the humble sheep’s contribution to humankind’s advancements and adventures.

Sheep Calendars

Calendars have become a fundraising staple for animal sanctuaries so why not support a good cause while buying a gift? Many sanctuaries are already selling out of their 2021 calendar, so you can either choose from a local sanctuary or purchase from your favourite one on social media. We purchased multiple calendars for relatives in the UK from Manor Farm Charitable Trust as it featured sheep as well as other adorable animals, and for Australian friends we sent them a Freehearts Animal Sanctuary 2021 calendar.

Something truly sheepishly special…

A sheeple in possession of a flock and barn must be in want of something from The Living Rug Company shop. The Living Rug Company creates beautiful homewares and rugs from their sustainable flock’s wool. They had 2021 calendars but have unfortunately already sold out.

Their own Lachie or Layla

If the sheeple in your life would love their own Lachie or Layla – or mini version of their sheep – check out Crochet Creations by Mumma Bird, who made us our very own mini Lachie earlier this year.

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Gifts for Equestrians

For those who think horsey people are difficult to buy for, think again.
There are so many online equestrian shops these days you are spoilt for choice. Here are a few of our favourites:

Horsey Humour

Spoil the horsey folk in your life with a hilarious horsey gift from Emily Cole Illustrations.
Emily’s giggle-worthy horsey illustrations transform regular kitchen goodies, stationary, calendars, and greeting cards into the perfect presents for the horse lovers.

Lachie and Layla’s Mahh recently ordered a 2021 family planner as she intends to ensure all lambs pull their weight next year…

A sample of Emily Cole Illustrations goods including an A3 family planner and greeting cards.

Pony Books

Remember the pony books you loved as a kid? Great news: Jane Badger Books has been republishing many pony book classics via Kindle and in paperback. Help the big kids relive their youth and the younger generations discover the magic of pony stories by purchasing them a pony book from Jane Badger Books.

Stylish and Fun Riding Clothing

Full disclosure: Giddyup Australia is our favourite equestrian clothing brand.
Giddyup Australia design on-trend, stylish riding clothes for kids, teens, and ladies. They also have a stunning – and affordable! – show collection for those who aim to look professional in the ring.
Their Summer 20/21 range is available now and they also have many awesome items in their clearance from previous seasons.

Horsey Magazines

Still stuck? Sus out which is your equestrian’s favourite horsey magazine and purchase them an annual subscription. Most magazines offer print or digital options so you can choose which one based on your equestrian’s preference for either collecting boxes of magazines or reading on their device.
Some suggestions: Your Horse (UK), Horses & People (AUS), The Barefoot Horse (Int).

Gifts for Book Lovers

Hath no fury like a reader scorned. Afraid you will buy them a book they have already read? Or accidentally gift a book by an author who they have unfollowed on social media?
Find them something booktastic and enjoy a peaceful Woolmas:

Literary Emporium

Spoil the book lovers with a selection of goodies or a gift box from Somerset based Literary Emporium.
We have purchased sooo many things from Literary Emporium and they are always so lit! From tees, stationary, jewellery, books, and much more, Literary Emporium is the perfect online shop to find something special for the book lover in your life.

A fancy Literary Emporium gift box sits on a tartan throw.

Reading Nook Additions

What book lover doesn’t want a reading light? Or a comfy cushion? Or a throw?
Level up their reading nook with some special additions and they might even allow you to occasionally sit nearby while they devour their latest read.
If you want something unique, check out independent sellers on platforms such as Etsy. Otherwise, there are many independent retailers who specialise in creating throws, scarves, and rugs from locally produced – and sometimes recycled – materials.

The Last Resort: Book Shop Gift Card

Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with what books they have already read, or you might buy one thinking you’ve nailed it only to realise they bought themselves a copy on Christmas Eve.
The solution? Find out which is your book lover’s favourite book shop and buy them a gift card so they can go crazy in the post-Christmas sales.

Gifts for Vegans

Put down the bunch of greens. There are so many innovative, ethical, and sustainable companies around the world now that you have no excuse to not to find the perfect gift for your vegan friends.
These lamb-friendly gifts get a big tick from Lachie and Layla and are sure to delight your vegan friends at Woolmas.

Merry People

This year we discovered the colourful and comfortable Merry People gumboots! Help your vegan buddy prepare for wet weather with a pair of lamb-friendly beetroot and merry or green and go-lucky boots!
(We just made up those colour descriptions ­– Merry People's marketing does it much better).

Our human wears these when checking on the horses before bed, but they are also great for walking the dog or exploring your local paddocks. Extremely comfy, easy-care and the sizing chart includes width as well as length so you can measure up confidently.
Read our Merry People gumboots review here.

Lachie the lamb inspecting a pair of beetroot Merry People gumboots.


Fashion can be sustainable and ethical! AlexandraK’s handbags are made from animal and environmentally friendly materials, feature stylish designs, and are perfect for the slow-fashion enthusiast in your life. Lady Layla particularly loves her green handbag from last year.
Hurry – their latest collection just landed and it is ON-FLEECE!

Cookbooks with Compassion

Ewe can never have too many cookbooks – said no lamb ever.
Have a sneaky browse of your friend’s bookshelves to see if they need any more vegan cookbooks. Cooking with Kindness by Edgar’s Mission and Taste for Life by Animals Australia offer dozens of
lamb-friendly recipes. We love the decadent Chocolate Fudge Cake with Rich Ganache recipe on p. 227 in Taste for Life.

Sponsor a Sanctuary Resident

Animal sanctuaries are flat out with incoming and long-term residents who are in need of special care.
If your friend lives elsewhere and you want to gift them something special this Woolmas, find out which is their favourite or local sanctuary and sponsor one of the residents on their behalf.
Whether it is a sheep, goat, pig, cow, chicken, horse, donkey, alpaca, llama, cat, dog, guinea pig, rabbit, duck, or any other quadruple or feathered sentiment creature, give the gift of kindness and compassion this Woolmas.

We hope this Woolmas gift guide is of assistance.
If in doubt and you're reading this on Woolmas Eve:
Buy a family board game to start a barny on Woolmas Day :)


Lachie & Layla xx