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5 Books by Aussie Authors Ewe Need on Your Woolmas Wishlist!

"Woolmas is the time for reading!" - Lady Layla

Layla the suffolk ewe with her red and green stocking full of books among the leaves.

Woolmas is coming, which means it is time to update your Woolmas wishlist with books to keep ewe cosy, or cool, during the holiday season. Lady Layla shares her top five picks for ewe with a focus on Australian fiction by female authors.

Layla's top 5 Australian fiction reads for Woolmas 2019.


Let Me Sleep Sheep written by Meg McKinlay and illustrated by Leila Rudge (Walker Books)
This delightful picture book follows the story of Amos who cannot get to sleep, so he decides to count sheep. An essential bedtime read with fun shenanigans for all human-lambs!

Young Adult

It Sounded Better in My Head by Nina Kenwood (Text Publishing)

Winner of the 2018 Text Prize, this debut novel follows 18 year old Natalie from the day her family life crumbles and how she copes with the challenges of nothing going to plan in the summer prior to starting university.

Crime Fiction

You Don’t Know Me by Sara Foster (Simon and Schuster)

Noah and Alice meet and fall in love while overseas, yet their relationship is put on hold when Noah returns home for the inquest into Lizzie Burdett’s disappearance and presumed death. Family betrayals and distrust abound, paired with Alice’s narration of her own trauma, readers will feel the increasing tension as the story progresses and Noah and Alice’s lives become increasingly entangled. Can ewe guess what happened that fateful night Lizzie disappeared?

Slice of Life

Just One Wish by Rachael Johns (HQ Harper Collins)

Three generations of women from the one family embark on a life changing journey. Secrets aplenty for readers who enjoy a bit (okay, a lot!) of drama. While the story covers some heavy topics, it is a satisfying read as the characters make crucial decisions regarding their intertwined future. If you enjoyed Johns’ The Art of Keeping Secrets or any of her other books, then you should grab a copy of Just One Wish for your post-Woolmas feast recovery.

Historical Fiction

The French Photographer by Natasha Lester (Hachette)

Commencing during World War Two, Lester’s latest historical masterpiece transports the reader to the life of Jessica May, one of the few female photojournalists to cover the war in Europe. Featuring segments of love, loss, and memories of the past, Lester is renowned for her cleverly crafted historical fiction which transports readers to different eras where past timelines influence the events in modern/more recent timelines.

Have ewe read any of these books, or any other great reads during 2019 that would make perfect the Woolmas gift?


Layla x